Discussed in these episodes

  • Biff! cover art
    Biff! December 10, 2020 Higher, Further, Faster
    70 Higher, Further, Faster

    The new Marvel’s 616 documentary series on Disney+ looks at the culture and history of the comics company and its creations. We take a look at episode 2, which deals with the history of female creators at the company, and discuss the rosy picture it paints, and where it falls short. Then it’s a Giant Size Superhero Sweep, covering the latest Spider-Man 3 casting (everything old is new again), filming on the Hawkeye series, and the latest developments in the Arrowverse. Finally, your letters.

  • The Incomparable Mothership cover art
    The Incomparable Mothership September 7, 2013 “Hawkeye” by Fraction and Aja.
    157 Bros and Arrows

    An entire comic book about Hawkeye, the lesser Marvel superhero with a bow and arrow? Okay… this looks bad. But seriously, bro, this is one of the very best comics being published today. We cover the first two trade-paperback editions of Fraction and Aja’s series, including Lucky the Pizza Dog, 50 Shades of Purple, and how hooking up a laserdisc player is similar to defusing a bomb. Hop on board and join us—we’re great at boats.